The Daily Explorer: News Crew Assignment 1 RESULTS

Hi jammers!
The Daily Explorer has posted the first ever News Crew Assignment results! The contest was to write an article about the Summer Carnival.
The winner was Eternal Fierywolf! Congratulations! This is what he/she wrote:
The Summer Carnival is a cool, fun place you can go to anytime in the summer! You may ask “Why should I go to the Summer Carnival?” Well, there are many reasons, but I am just going to tell you the basic three.
First, there are three awesome games you can play! There is Whack a Phantom, Phantom Ball, and (my personal favorite) Candy Catch! Second, there is oodles of…cotton candy! There are many different cones and colors to choose from! I’ve even heard rumors that you can get a special kind of cotton candy…awesome!
And the last reason to go to the Summer Carnival is because there are lots and lots of cool prizes for you to earn! You see, when you play any of the three games I listed above, you win tickets. With the tickets, you can buy cool prizes! Wow!
So what are you waiting for? Visit the Summer Carnival today!
Great article, Eternal! Now, I wonder what their prize is... AJ said something about a special badge for your playercard?

News Crew Assignment 2 should be out soon!


1 comment:

  1. I am rlly good at writing yet I hav never won a News Crew Contest! :(
