RIM: Rare Coral Necklace, & More

Hi jammers!
It's Monday, which means... another rare item! Today's RIM rare item is the Rare Coral Necklace, which is in Bahari Bargains.
In Epic Wonders, there is a Crystal Chair.
Lastly, there is a Falling Phantoms game for dens in the Sol Arcade.
Remember to hurry up and buy the rare item, because it won't ever be in stores again after today!



  1. Hi TheSlidoo!

    I'm a really big fan of your blog, and I really want to add you! I have read your buddy policy, but there's on problem. Ever since I started playing Animal Jam, I have never seen you! :( I really want to add you, and I have a feeling it's just because we are never on the same server. I go on really often, but I'm afraid I will never meet you unless you accept my request! :( :( So can you please still accept my mail request? :D I understand if you say no... and can you search up my user? So if you will accept, you will know who!? My user is jammie263.


  2. When you answer my comment, can you give a comment to my blog, Animal Jam Bouncies so I will know to check your blog? I will check it often... but just in case! :D


  3. What is your animal jam user name so we can friend you

  4. Why are there two links to Mt. Shiveer Journey Book Cheats?

  5. The rare coral necklace is my favorite underwater rare!

  6. Cool! I really love Falling Phantoms cause you can earn above 100 gems in just a minute! WEEE!

  7. please make a mondey if black long spike and a mondey of blue and white headress these two items are my dream itemns
    if you make a mondey for a wister band spike i wqill be sooo happy
    ass: mana_nerd@gamer
