Jamaa Journal Vol. 064

Hey Jammers!
Yesterday Animal Jam updated and nobody posted the latest issue of the Jamaa Journal, so here it is...

Page 1:
 A Fantasy Castle? Awesome! It looks amazing, and seems to be something boys and girls would like! Here is a picture of the inside:
So cool!

Page 2:
First of all, there are new buttons on the map:
All the Stores
All the Places to watch Movies
All the places to buy pets
 And, a new Phantom Game... And it's REALLY fun! Here is the billboard:
And here is what the game screen:
It is an extremely fun multiplayer game where you dodge the falling phantoms - the last survivor wins! And what do we see in the top-left corner? The return of Zios! The first mention of him for almost a year! Maybe Snowyclaw's Jamaasian Movement is working... I certainly hope so!

Page 3:
And they didn't get around to finishing the pet contest... again! It should have been here 4 weeks ago. And a reminder that there is a Journey Book page for Crystal Sands now. Click here for cheats.

Page 4:
It looks like AJ took my advice to be a little more like Club Penguin! So now the Costume corner will tell you style Advice for your animals! This time it is to be a Samurai Penguin!

Page 5:
Wait wait wait, they just told us they couldn't decide, and then on the same issue they tell us they have? Must be a mistake... :/ and, just like I predicted, Foxes are soon to come to Jamaa! Hopefully next update - they look so small and fluffy... XD

Page 6:
More Freedom Day items... and surprises? I know one! The Freedom Day Party is on RIGHT NOW and I'm about to post the cheats! Also, my favorite den item is this month's MMG: the Nature Archway! Read about it here.

So what do you think about this update? More posts coming ASAP!

Jam On!



  1. good post gecko! i haven't osted on my blog yet but i will now! i hope to see more cheats soon! p.s. i just had an idea o haveing like commenter of the month week or something lie that! :p -Rainbowcat123654-

  2. The nature archway was my favorite MMG ever!

  3. Falling Phantoms is my current fave game in Jamaa! Also Best Dressed! :D

  4. PlzPlzPlz will somebody tell me where to find the Samurai helmet and Elf bracelets from?
