I'm Back!

Hi jammers!
I'm back - but from where, you may ask? Well, for the past 16 days or so, I've been in Disney World, in Orlando, Florida!
Also, Geckoguy and Mysteryhorse - the AJC authors who happen to be siblings - are also on vacation. I did not know this until a few days ago, which explains the absence of recent updates!

I'm not going to post everything that us 3 missed from the past 16 days but starting tomorrow, any updates that come out will be posted here, again. Sorry about the post absence, but we really had no way of posting.

I hope everyone is having a great summer!



  1. Cool! I went to Disney before, isn't it awesome? I loved some of the water slides, hope you had a good time Slidoo!


  2. I might go to Disneyland or Disney world when my little brother is 5. I hear those places are super awesome! Hope you had a good time!

  3. Lucky! My parents always say that, "oh we'll wait until ur brothers r older." It sucks... :P

  4. WOW disney has its own castle now!!! No wonder they are so rich!

  5. Cool you went to Disney Land! How was your trip?
