Fancy Vanity

Hey Jammers!
The new item today is in Epic Wonders.
I find it hilarious when I find the in boy Jammer's dens. >.< Expensive, and not very good if you are a boy. And I was wondering, as an author there is no comment moderation for me, but what about you guys? I haven't seen any new comments...

Jam On!



  1. there are partys for theslidoo but what about geckoguy and the people who help on this blog

  2. Hey gecko guy just wondering if we could meet on aj! How about the 14th at 6:00 your time and 3:00 my time!(i live in nevada) we could meet on the server nile at crystal sands. my usr is korbin3918 please add me. I'm a non member. I'll see if that works for you!

    Have the BEST luck!,

    Snowflake articcloud

    1. I think I missed our appointment. Should we reschedule?

  3. Thts cool I was playing today and I didn't see tht can't wait till foxes come out I hope there for non members too cuz they usally announce it when they figured out the animal so cross your fingers in this matter your paws XD - Luna07263

  4. Hi! I was wondering if you could add my Animal Jam blog to the blog roll.
    The URL is and it is called Animal Jam Stream. I am in need of more viewers. ^^


  5. Sometimes we can't be bothered posting comments. The admin can check if we're missing views anyway.

    Boys can buy it if they want, they may be a girly boy. Anyway AJ might release "boy" items in the future.

    By the way this is one of my favorite AJ blogs. I like this blog.

  6. 1 time I found it n my brother's den! It was SO FUNNY! I think that his friend figured out his password and bought this item!
