The Summer Carnival

Hi jammers!
Once again I really do apologize for completely failing and missing my own party! We'll have another one soon... We're approaching 200000 hits VERY quickly, so there will probably be one then!

Anyways, recently the Summer Carnival hit Animal Jam, to celebrate summer (obviously)! To go to the Carnival, click on the party list. The Carnival will be open 24 hours a day, so don't worry about missing it!
So, to get prizes from the Carnival, you have to play awesome carnival-related mini games, to earn tickets! The tickets are then spent on prizes. When you go to the Summer Carnival for the first time, you get 500 free tickets.
The Carnival is really fun! There are 3 cool games to play:

  • Phantom Ball
  • Candy Catch
  • Whack-A-Phantom
I'm a bit surprised that there are only three games, but by the looks of it, there are a few empty "booths" around, so maybe those will be games later on? 

There are a few shops around the Carnival, all with items that are purchased with tickets.

So, what do you think of the Summer Carnival? In my opinion it's a great idea. I love the games, but I do think it's a bit of a copy of Club Penguin's "Fall Fair" party, but that's okay. I'm glad to see Animal Jam finally doing bit parties that are more than just a few decorations here and there!



  1. I already posted a video of the party in case you didn't know.

    1. Do you know when it comes???? like what month in SUMMER?
      May, june july???!!!!

  2. Its kinda boring... and ur right, it is also kinda a copy cat thing from CP.

  3. The carnival has closed and btw I never saw that on the partys list I always see adventures i have to click on a sign to go!

  4. 500 tickets I don't have that they never gave me that. UR LUCKY SLIDOO

  5. The caarnival is over but I have some souvineers btw next carnival they sould add tickets to the daily spin!

  6. :( i hate the summer canival

  7. buddy me im smary98592
