*New* Nominate Blogs for the AJ Blog Awards

Hi jammers!
So as you might already know, the AJ Blogging Awards nominee form closed unexpectedly while my computer was in for repairs. This is because people spammed the form, nominating themselves!
If you spammed the form, I HAVE YOUR IP ADDRESS. You can no longer be entered in the blog awards. I specifically asked you NOT to spam! Can't you pay attention to the rules?
Anyways, so many people spammed that it ended up closing our form for nominees. Not fair to those who were following the rules!

So let's just pretend that the nomination rounds didn't happen. I'm going to completely re-do the nomination rounds of the competition!
Instead of leaving a form up, I'm going to do the nomination process through the comments.

To nominate a blog, comment saying:
What is the blog URL that you are nominating?
What category are you nominating this blog for?
Pick 1 of the following categories:
-Best Looking Blog
-Fastest Updates
-Best/Most Helpful Posts
-Best Overall Blog

You can only nominate a specific blog twice. For example, I could nominate my sister (Fuzzy ShyIvy)'s blog in "Best Looking Blog" and "Best Overall Blog," but then I could no longer nominate her blog for anything else. Are the rules clear?

You have until Saturday evening to nominate blogs.



  1. AnimalJamExplorers.tk
    -Best Looking Blog
    -Best Over-all Blog

    And sorry if what I did was spamming, because I thought it said you could nominate a blog in each category.

  2. animaljamrapids.blogspot.com

    Nominating for: Best/most helpful posts

  3. http://www.animaljamwild.blogspot.com/
    Animal Jam Wild

    ~Best/Most Helpful Posts~
    ~Best Overall Blog~

    ~Agent 9

  4. AnimalJamInsiders.blogspot.com
    -Most Helpful Posts

  5. Animal Jam Fire
    -Best Overall Blog


  6. -BestLookingBlog- :Fuzzy Shyivy's Animal Jam Rush:

  7. http://myblog2196.blogspot.com/
    -Best Looking Blog
    -Most Helpful Posts

  8. animaljamflash.blogspot.com
    Fastest Updates

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Animal jam cheats and codes best overall blog

  11. ^^^Spammer!^^^
    Do NOT try to pretend you are two people nominating the same blog, Mr. ChunkyBuddy! It's not a coincidence that the comments are one minute apart!

    That will only count as one vote, but it really should count as zero.

  12. URL

    Nominate for;
    Most Helpful

    I know it not on blogspot she told me she didn't know about blogspot till later she will move the blog in a few days!

  13. URL

    Nominate for;
    Most Helpful

  14. I was nominating my friends blog so... srry if I ended up causing spam! :(

  15. http://ajisfunandeasy.blogspot.com/ PLEASE VISIT!!! Sorry if this is SPAM but I want my blog to be more popular.

  16. guineagirl274 AJ
    I wish I could make a blog.
    If I ever make a blog, it will never be as awesome as this one.
    Keep up the awesome blog work!
