Crystal Sands Journey Book Cheats

Hi jammers!
Today Animal Jam released the newest Journey Book - the Crystal Sands Journey Book! This post will give you the full guide on how to complete the Journey Book. Here are the animal and plant locations:

The macaw is a very big bird and cannot always be found. When it can be found, it can be spotted flying on to the roof of the aquarium.

This bird is more common. It can usually be found in the water.

Cacao Tree:
This item is a tree. It cannot move. Therefore, it is (obviously) always ready to be found. It is hard to miss, sitting right outside the juice hut.

Sand Dollar:
The sand dollars can be found under the water slides. They are always able to be found.

Tide Pool:
The tide pool is a type of pool that has rocks all around it I guess, it can be found under neath the aquarium, in the water.

Green Iguana:
This big lizard comes on top of the juice hut every few minutes.

This creature can sometimes be spotted on the shoreline.

This really disgusting bug crawls out from behind the sign of the pet wash... Eww!

This animal occasionally walks out of the cave and sits beside the water slide.

Basilisk Lizard:
This lizard is much smaller and quicker than the iguana. It is much harder to find because it only comes out occasionally, for only a few seconds.

This plant can be found on the very left hand side of the land.

Claiming Your Prize:
Once you've found all the items in this book, click on the Journey Book icon and click the giant gift icon. Your prize is...
...A Lemonade Stand! Click  "Keep" to add this item to your inventory!

Here is the full Journey Book Page:

What are your thoughts on this Journey Book? I don't really like the fact that every Journey Book seems to get easier and easier, with things coming out more often, and stuff... What about you?



  1. Hi, I'm Enchanted Cutewolf. I'd really like for you to check out my blog, Maybe even follow it? My blog is Animal Jam Sunshine. Thanks if you have time to read my blog. :)

    1. whats your user so then i can buddy u on aj

    2. Follow me on superkeebler on YouTube and you can be in one of my videos! also leave some suggestions in the comments!

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    1. how do you play i need to know with all the replys they are cool

  3. i have every thing in the book they are easy, my user name is lilay i am a member and my animal is a wolf called professor icywolf please add me or send me unwant things thx (i can't wait till i can get the new den!!!)

  4. I almost Got the lizard but there were these two lovebirds in the way!

  5. I think it's awesome, but I hope AJ release clothing items as well as den item prizes for the Journey Book!

    - D0lphin -

    STOP SCAMMERS! THEY SUCK! I was scammed of my Black Bow and Arrows by ian4! Reporttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt them please! Thank you, luv ya! (XD)

  6. How do u get the bow and arrows?? They r sooooo cool I really want them!!!!

    1. They used to popular and common.. you used to be able to get them at parties. Now they are super rare... But in return of the phantoms hard mode i got a rare silver bow and arrows.

  7. Wow thanks that was good to have this webpage thanks! also my user name is condo41 please buddy me.

  8. Thanks for the website! My username is condo41 please buddy me!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Replies
    1. i do not no how to play this cool mabey game so can you tell me

  11. This is my favorite land! I finished it n like, 5 seconds!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Most of the animals are weird in Crystal Sands. XD
    They are from a beach habitat, I guess?

  14. thank you this blog helps me so much i love it

    1. I find this blog the most helpful from all the other blogs, since it is here from the beginning! :D

  15. Replies
    1. I even love parrots in reality! Parrots are cute and colorful! :D

  16. Hi, animal jam is my favorite game!

    1. AJ is also my fave game! I spent a lot of time playing it! :D

  17. The journey books are so fun to complete!

    1. We even learn names of animals which we never knew about.

  18. thanks for your help your the best

  19. Ty! i've been playing aj since I was 6, I'm nime now. It's been three years and i've never completed the journey book until now! TY! Your the best!
