Slidoo's 3 Year Blogging Anniversary

Party details in this post below!
3 Years ago, at around this time, I was about to start my blogging journey, with a friend of mine. My first ever website - Club Penguin Supreme - was created.
I was a Club Penguin blogger, with no idea what I was doing. I had no idea how to run a website, and my friend - the other co-owner of the blog - had even less ideas than I did. So as I tried to get my website more popular, I started to know more about blogging, which is when I left Club Penguin Supreme.

I started my second ever website, Penguin Beach. This is where I really started my journey. I met AMAZING people - many of whom I am still friends with today, including past AJC author Swurve, and other amazing people like Bobhead202, Queen Binawa, Edster12499, Lemon2608, and many more. I also have many friends who are sadly no longer around, like Polkadotblu9 and Toysgoneby. I still had no "fans" yet, but I was getting there. I would spend hours online each day, talking to my new friends. 

Then I opened another (HORRIBLE) website - Cheats of CP 4 U (don't ask about the name - it was the only web address I could think of, that was available.) It failed, and within a few months I was back on Blogger, with yet another new website - Club Penguin Cheat World.

THIS is where I became "popular". Every week - when a Club Penguin "Field Op" would be released - I would have nearly 200 people on my website looking for cheats. If I had a party, the room would fill up. I reached 1000 Twitter followers, and much more. I also managed to become the most successful virtual world blogger who was under 13, at the time. (And although I'm not under 13 anymore, I still manage to hold that record :P). However, domain troubles made my blog less popular, and my blog changed names, and was now Club Penguin Agents
After about a year of Club Penguin Agents, I was bored of blogging for Club Penguin. I decided to return to Animal Jam Community, the second ever Animal Jam blog made, that I had blogged on before. So I reopened the website that you are on right now!

So, if you actually just read that gigantic paragraph that was really quite pointless.... You would know that I've been officially a virtual world blogger for 3 years! So... It's time for a party!
So, you're invited to my 3rd Year Anniversary Party!
I really hope you can come to my party!



  1. Hi Slidoo, OMG, that's totally EPIC! So goin 2 ur party. That's amazing how you've been blogging for 3 years! Anyway, awesome blog and wow nice record :)

  2. Of course you know I'll be there. :D

  3. Ive been blogging for a little over one year... And I miss CPA. I was at your B-Day party last year. You can see me in the party video. And you know what I miss more than anything? Frogopia. I played it for less than a month and then you started remaking it which you never finished. Too bad.

    But yes I'll be at the party. ;)

  4. OOH! I will definitely be there, it's the day after the last day of school!


  5. I'll be there, for sure! Make sure to add me, I have my own blog.

  6. Lucky Gecko xD I still have a month left.

  7. Actually, Gecko, I live in the northeast USA and I still have school for another month

  8. Lol i wish school ended tomorrow!PS.I'm heartpet0628 but using my animal jam blog

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. BTW, I will be going to your party. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll.

  11. U bet im coming look 4 someone named liet THATS ME!!! add me slidoo!

  12. its going to be an awesome party too bad i wont be there wish i could my username is dragoeat on aj PLEASE friend me By the way ur the most awesome blogger

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I missed this 1 bcause I had 2 go 2 my brother's peewee baseball game... :P

  15. Replies
    1. I got to know about this amazing blog in the late 2013. I've missed everything before then. D: And at that time, I used to play less, so I also came on the blog less. But usually it's like everyday now! Unless I have some important work. He-he. :P

    2. Like homework or like checks?

  16. Amazing! You are about to get 200 followers, how about a party now? :D
