New Item: Golden Bow and Arrows 5/4/12 and Pet Effects

Hey Jammers!
I'll post the new item, and then an awesome discovery by Sheesh4. :P

Epic Wonders (Coral Canyons):
I like this item, to bad it isn't Nonmember.

And now for the best part... Pet Effects! My friend, Sheesh4, was playing Disc Toss, trying to get all the possible achievements. One time, when she lost, she got this pop-up:
It has bones that fly off its head. Weird, but still awesome! And soon, we might be able to trade pets! Read about that here. There has also been one discovered by playing Ssssnake. I think Trickertreee dicovered it, but I'm not sure. It looked like this:
This looks cool too. Well anyway, if you have a pet affect, open your pet's profile and click this to use it:
So, what do you think about this discovery by Sheesh4? She may have been the first one to earn a Pet Effect!

Jam On!

~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author


  1. How many discs did she get to get the effect?

  2. Can i borrow this pic for my blog please

  3. I didn't get a certain number of discs.

  4. Oh,ok Sheesh4! But how many DID you get?

  5. awesome!!! i want membership so bad i would give up everything for membership

  6. leaping strong wolfJuly 27, 2012 at 12:36 AM

    cool i keep tryin to get it but i cant :I

  7. Trading pets?!?!?!? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. How many did she get?

  9. i cant get that WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
