Why Have No Posts Been Made?

The answer is... I don't know!

I will not be available to post for the next week or so and I have notified my authors of this a few times, but still no posts have been made. I do not know why there still haven't been any posts made... Hopefully my authors will do their job for the next week so I won't have to hire new ones when I'm available again.

Also, when I'm back, I'll be releasing a brand new website design that will change AJC completely! A new fresh, professional design is on the way. ;-]



  1. this has nothing to do with your post,but its important. when i was editing my den a message popped up, it said : you have been given 9000 gems! and,i did get 9000 more gems! im wondering if anyone else got this message and gems.
    my username on aj is kejigirl if you want to ask me about it.

  2. i figured out why i got them gems, cause my den got on epic dens, just kinda ignore my other post.

  3. Eep! I just got your email, I'll be right on it.

  4. Hey! LightningStar60 here! im a huge fan of this blog and i cant wait 2 c the new look of AJC!!!

    And for all of you people reading this, yes, i am the person who comments on everything! i love this blog!!! freind me!!!
