New March 2012 Author Application Form

Hi jammers!
My authors don't seem to be very active anymore and I too am rather busy, so I'll need 1-3 more authors to help out with the posting. If you'd like to apply, fill out this form.
Fill out my online form.



  1. You actually are getting our personal information...

  2. do you need a blogger profile?

  3. Isn't that personal info ?

  4. What Blogger template is this?

  5. Dear Anonymous, AKA person who wants to hide their identity,

    What personal info am I getting? None.

    You can leave my blog now. Thank you.

  6. Jazzy: It was originally Picture Window, but I edited the HTML, it's pretty much a custom theme.

  7. dear steven,
    you are getting personal info. the persons age, where they live (country), and their email. thats just some i remember. im not trying to be rude, ( honestly im not) im just pointing out that you do get some personal info.

  8. @Anonymous
    He doesn't want your real name in the email! And the person's age isn't even personal info, I mean it's not like you can hack their accounts with their age. And it doesn't really matter about the country thing, there are a millions states in the USA! You could be anywhere. If you feel so uncomfortable about this, just don't take part in it.

  9. I agree with hamish cat!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm suggesting that those would be some good things to mention, not requesting that you mention them.

    Also, age/country isn't really PERSONAL...

  12. It is personal info.

  13. Why do you need my email address?
    Age and country I understand is necessary but I don't get why you need an email address.

  14. i hope i will be chosen

  15. Slidoo needs your E-Mail address so that he can send you a confirmation link to your E-Mail to add your Google Account to access author privileges on AJC. If you think that is personal info, don't apply. If your not going to apply, don't comment complaining or arguing over your immature ideas. That is called spamming, especially if you are being asked to stop. I'm asking you to stop. Do that.

  16. I hope I get in. I entered as heartpet. I just can't wait! I'm so excited. Just saying before the autors are announced. Congrads to the people who will be chosen.

  17. i really want to get chosen. Do you have to have a google account??? Because i don't.

  18. Since it's been such a long time, I can't remember if I entered...have I?


  19. U r constantly trying 2 hire authors aren't u...?
