Hanging Lantern and Best Dressed

Hi jammers!
Yesterday a brand new item was released in Sunken Treasures, which is Animal Jam's underwater den item shop. It can be located in Kani Cove. The item is the Hanging Lantern!
Also, today another new item came out. In the Sol Arcade, you can now purchase Best Dressed, for your den!
Best Dressed is a great game if you want to earn gems, fast! I'm glad it's now available in dens! What are your thoughts on these 2 new items?



  1. LightningStar60 here! and i think it is very cool that members can buy Bessed Dressed. but i have one question, would it still be 2x gems? i hope so. it would be very confenient because most of the time Coral Canyons is full.

    1. I like your suggestion! It would be cool if the den ones were 2x gems! :D

  2. When I was new to Jamaa, I only used to play Best Dressed. I joined back at 2012 but I knew there was a trading system in the late 2013, because I never used to do anything other than playing best dressed! :P
