Frozen Bushes and More

Hi jammers!
Today two new items were released on Animal Jam. The first item is the Frozen Bush, in Jam Mart Furniture.
However, if you don't want this bush to be frozen, click the colour switch button to change it to a Spring Bush, or a Dead Bush!
The second item today is the Clover Tubes, which can be purchased in Sunken Treasures.
This item is definitely... Unique! What do you think?

PS: Thanks for a hit record yesterday, with nearly 1700 hits in 24 hours! Thanks for supporting AJC! :)


  1. I totally love both! I bought the clover tubes and put them in my underwater den. I think it pops in any under water den! :) -hollyleigh

  2. Can you add mine its The Animal Jam Splash here's the link

    thanks :)

  3. oops i accidentally put it twice
