Rare Lionfish Armour... Wait, What?

Hi jammers!
Update: AJ realized they failed and have changed this. Click here for the Monday Rare post.
Today, no rare was released, so... in other words, there is no rare Monday today. But Animal Jam THINKS that there is! They posted this on the Daily Jammer:
AJHQ thinks this Lionfish Armour is rare? WRONG! Lionfish Armour was released earlier this month and wasn't rare! Why are they advertising it as rare? Plus, the Lionfish Armour is not available in the colour shown in that picture! What do you think is happening?



  1. well it's rare cause it's not sold in that color.

  2. XD i loved old aj but i still like the new one

  3. yeah i agree but yeah same as anonymous its rare because its not sold in that colour
