Introducing Animal Jam Search!

Hi jammers!
As you can see from the video above, I have just opened a new program that will bring more traffic to your Animal Jam blog or website! Inspired by A11766's idea of virtual world search engines, I have made a search engine purely for Animal Jam blogs.

What is this program?
This program is called Animal Jam Search. It is a search engine that displays only Animal Jam blogs or websites!

How do I use this program?
It's very simple! All you need to do is go to the website and type in a few key words... Any blogs with the results that you typed in will come up!

Why should I add my blog to the search engine?
Adding your OWN Animal Jam blog/website is very easy and fast, and worth it! It will direct more traffic to your website, and it will be in our search engine forever.

I highly suggest taking a minute or two to submit your blog to AJ Search. Within no time, your website could be getting a lot more traffic!

Click here to visit Animal Jam Search! 

So now, if you need Animal Jam cheats, just simply visit AJ Search and you'll find what you need!



  1. Hi Slidoo, please include my blog
    in your blogrol.
    Mr. Chunkybuddy

  2. Hello Slidoo,
    One of my friends said I should pay a visit to your blog. Looks great! Interesting idea with the Animal Jam Search blog, if you'd like/have time would you add my blog, I guess? It's called the Animal Jam Spirit (, notify me if you have questions or issues. Thanks, and happy blogging. :)

  3. Please add this blog

  4. Guys, I can't add your blog. You have to actually take the time to submit it to the search engine.


  5. OMG love the profile pick! IT'S A CAT! I love cats. Clouded Leopard

  6. Hi Slidoo!
    I've been hearing about this Animaljam Search. Great idea! My blog has no trafic at all. Could you add mine?
    p.s nice blog!

  7. ok im meisamazing im posting to u mnstr

  8. do u think we should tell each others name
