Animal Jam Community Party: 3/3/12

Hey Jammers!
My birthday is in exactly one week from today, (2/25/12), and since TheSlidoo gave me permission, I'm going to have my first party on Animal Jam! I, Geckoguy, will be hosting this party and it will be on March 3rd, which is my birthday! My birth-day happens to be on a Saturday this year, which makes it a great day for a party!
Here is the information you will need to know for the party:

Geckoguy's Birth-Day Party:
Date: Saturday, March 3rd
Time: 2:00 Eastern Standard Time
Server: Atlas
Room: Geckoguy's Den
Reason: Geckoguy's Birth-Day
Host: Geckoguy

So... does that sound like fun? Your job is to be there and make the server full! My username is geckoguy and I will be using the following animal at the party:
I will be this animal,  only I will be wearing a red Glove and a brown Top Hat and I will have different colors, because I will have my membership back by then.

I will be adding random fans as my buddy because it will be a special occasion, I usually don't do that. Remember, I'm known for always having really cool dens, so you never what to expect at the party! Hope to see you there!

Just to clear up the confusion, the party is at 2:00 Eastern Time, if your not in Eastern Time you'll have to figure out what time the party is for you in your time zone.

~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author


  1. Oh my dog! That's my mom's birthday o.o, I'm so going there, I love parties!!

  2. I'd LOVE to be there Gecko, but I have an afterschool practice on March 3rd :(

  3. Eeveelord
    Hey i loved to go (i love this blog so much)but can u tell me where you are? 'Cause i need to know the time zone to be able to come.

  4. @Anonymous:
    It says in the post that it is 2:00 EST :) What time zone are you in?


  5. oh! i would love to come! i would like to see all the cool and popular
    people! including me!
    i'll bring my rare items.
    my user name is- mscheery.
    look for me at the party!

  6. oh! i would love to come and see all the popular people there! including me! my user name is- mscheery.
    look for me at the party!

  7. oh!i would love to come to the party!
    because i could see so many popular people there! (including all of u peeps who make this blog!)
    my user name is- mscheery.
    look for me at the party!

  8. oh! i would love to come to the party!
    because i could see all the popular people there! including me!
    (and including all the peeps who make this blog!)
    my user name is- mscheery.
    look for me at the party!!!

  9. oh! i would love to come to the party! because i could see a lot of popular people there! including myself!
    (and including all the peeps who make this blog!)
    look for me at the party!
    i will want to buddy all of u!

  10. sorry for posting so many comments!
    :( i thought i was messing some thing up.
    i am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ooooh, that is a PERFECT time for the party to be in! I am not busy at the time of the party, so I am 99% sure I can come!

  12. I'll try my best to make it! :D

  13. Eeveelord(my username for aj)
    I am in Cambodia Slidoo
    I have no Idea what time it is

  14. Great! thanks for the info! i'll make it for sure!! and be sure to freind me, LightningStar60! i luv this blog!!!!

  15. Eeveelord
    How long will u be on

  16. i'm still so sorry about posting so many comments! i even hurt myself for doing it by accident.
    any ways, i hope to see u at the party! -Mscheery


  18. I can't come! Sorry :(

  19. remember to un lock your den! dont want to lock people out of the party.

  20. hey my birthday is on march 27 and ps on animal jam im fairyjennifer come to my party on march 27 2012 around 4:00 P.M. and i have school on my birthday :*(

  21. Can you put my party on there too?
    In celebration of the Hunger Games!?

    Where:WarriorWolfMissty's den

    When:Saturday March 24, 2012

    Time: 1:00-5:00pm Pacific

    Host: WarriorWolfMissty & BellaWoods

    Why: Because the Hunger Games came out and now is a HIT to teens and some kids around the world!

  22. Can you put my party on there too?
    In celebration of the Hunger Games!?

    Where:WarriorWolfMissty's den

    When:Saturday March 24, 2012

    Time: 1:00-5:00pm Pacific

    Host: WarriorWolfMissty & BellaWoods

    Why: Because the Hunger Games came out and now is a HIT to teens and some kids around the world!

  23. Anymore parties? Cause i didnt get to go since it was really crowded
