What's Behind These Doors?

Hi jammers!
There isn't much to post right now, so I've decided to have a little fun. Since I came back to Animal Jam, I've been wondering what's behind those boarded up doors at the Temple of Zios!
The area that the door is in is a very creepy spot... I think that there's some sort of haunted building in there! Maybe it's like, a home for ghost animals?

I want you to tell ME - what do you think is behind those doors? I'll share some of the most creative answers here in this post, if I get any answers. Let me know what you think is behind that mysterious door!

A cool story by Expert Shyjoy:
A long time ago, there lived an old wolf and her son. They would travel many a day throughout the paths in Jamaa Circle. Until one day, they came upon the Lost temple of Zios. (Before Zios went missing) The wolf son went over to tap the statue of a monkey, since he was always fascinated with monkeys and how they moved, ate, played, and interacted with other monkeys. However, once he tapped the monkey shamon statue, Graham. It started shaking everywhere. The ground was moving back and forth, and the older wolf called out to her some, just before a mountain of rocks fell on her crushing the statue and leaving a stone pit. Luckliy, the olwf son was able to escape, but just has he rolled out from the stature, black things started crowding him. Some flew over and some zapped him. He looked up only to see, they were tiny whip-like creatures squirting out lightning from their eyes. He wondered how these creatures came into existance. Then, suddenly the leader picked him up in a cloud of dust and wind and swirled him over to the old abandoned building. He tried to fight back, but no use the phantoms engulfed him and swallowed him whole. Then, when he awoke. He was in a dark place. All around him were, bones of lost animals and he saw.................Zios. He was right infront of him. The young wolf bowed and showed reverence. Then, Zios opened up a door and it led to his wolf mom. She had her arms streched open wide, and he was happy to be reunited with her. The, they asked Zios,"Can we go to a pleasant place of new exploration and adventure?" Then, Zios opened a passage way and they went to a secret land Phantomtopia. Where is is all dark and scary. However, the wolf and his mother loved that place. To this say, Phantomtopia is behind the big door to the lost temple of Zios. It is boarded off, because not anyone can go there. You must first prove you are worthy enough to enter in there. The wolf and his mother were able to go there, because they showed great bravery and respect. Maybe someday we might go there as well. That is they story of the boarded off room. :)



  1. I think it's a doughnut shop. XD Or maybe an ice-cream parlor!
    ~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author

  2. Mister Chunkybuddy
    I think it is a strange place, maybe full of phanthoms and stuff, a phanthom central!
    Visit animaljamcheatsandcodes.blogspot.com

  3. @TheSlidoo
    A long time ago, there lived an old wolf and her son. They would travel many a day throughout the paths in Jamaa Circle. Until one day, they came upon the Lost temple of Zios. (Before Zios went missing) The wolf son went over to tap the statue of a monkey, since he was always fascinated with monkeys and how they moved, ate, played, and interacted with other monkeys. However, once he tapped the monkey shamon statue, Graham. It started shaking everywhere. The ground was moving back and forth, and the older wolf called out to her some, just before a mountain of rocks fell on her crushing the statue and leaving a stone pit. Luckliy, the olwf son was able to escape, but just has he rolled out from the stature, black things started crowding him. Some flew over and some zapped him. He looked up only to see, they were tiny whip-like creatures squirting out lightning from their eyes. He wondered how these creatures came into existance. Then, suddenly the leader picked him up in a cloud of dust and wind and swirled him over to the old abandoned building. He tried to fight back, but no use the phantoms engulfed him and swallowed him whole. Then, when he awoke. He was in a dark place. All around him were, bones of lost animals and he saw.................Zios. He was right infront of him. The young wolf bowed and showed reverence. Then, Zios opened up a door and it led to his wolf mom. She had her arms streched open wide, and he was happy to be reunited with her. The, they asked Zios,"Can we go to a pleasant place of new exploration and adventure?" Then, Zios opened a passage way and they went to a secret land Phantomtopia. Where is is all dark and scary. However, the wolf and his mother loved that place. To this say, Phantomtopia is behind the big door to the lost temple of Zios. It is boarded off, because not anyone can go there. You must first prove you are worthy enough to enter in there. The wolf and his mother were able to go there, because they showed great bravery and respect. Maybe someday we might go there as well. That is they story of the boarded off room. :)
    P.S Short.... I know.
    P.S.S It isn't the best... But, that is what I think went on...

  4. I think it is the elephant graveyard :D u see, there are elephants on AJ

  5. i like the story,i think leads to a room FULL OF RARES AND GEMS!:D

  6. i think it is a elephant/monky graveyard cause there both in zios theres pics and statues of them

    1. Hmm.. I doubt it, AJ is a kids game and would be a little iffy about adding a graveyard to their game. And why would it be in a building?

  7. i long time ago a bunny and a rabbit
    lived it this place they got to be slaves cause the phantoms in there
    phantoms have made them i aunting ghost phantoms and tht ghost are still in there this day till it opens...

  8. i long time ago a bunny and a rabbit
    lived it this place they got to be slaves cause the phantoms in there
    phantoms have made them i aunting ghost phantoms and tht ghost are still in there this day till it opens...

  9. it could be a portal to the phantom world or the world of ice cream XD or both or a portal to the old jamaa or a black hole leading to a place filled with chinchillas lol or a shop full of rares and a phantom or it could be a shop where u can be a nonmember as a phantom!Or a land filled with rainbows or nyan cat and tac nyan lol!

  10. ok i have to say the story is cool

  11. here's my story:

    A long time ago the sky father, zios ruled the sky. all jammers could see him. they built a statue of "him" to help worship him also. mira, the sky mother was mad. she turned zios the sky father invisible. The animal that worshiped zios the most (the sheep) they destoried the zios statue late at night. Zios was mad. he locked up the sheep in a room for on day. after that the sheep built a statue of mira and worshiped her. zios got VERY mad. after a day of worshiping mira the sheep went to the whole where zios's sprit layed. Soon zios woke and saw the sheep. he was mad at the sheep. he pushed them into a tunnel through the whole. he pushed them out, and the sheep wereinthe locked room. so nobody goes through the hole the sky father guarded the hole with phantoms. if you defeat the phantoms you nay go and realease the sheep and unlock the sheep animal. that also means only you can go through the hole to the sheep hideaway.


  12. A long time ago, a rabbit named Anyisias (everybody just calls her Anny), was adopted. She had always wanted to go to Mt Shiveer, but everyone says "Haha!" and throws snowballs at her. She hated it. So once everytime she gets home from Mt Shiveer, And whenever she goes to school, she always got made fun of.
    Everyone thinks she;s weird-looking. But her father that adopted her didn't think that. He thought she was beautiful. He never let Anyisias down. Usually, everyone laughs at her name. They laugh hard. Anyisias didn't like that so she turned red everytime she saw the kids at school. She only had one friend. Her only friend was nice. She didn't make fun of her name or her looks. she just thinks that Anyisias is a good friend. But others make fun of them real bad. They just ignore them when their together. One day, Anyisias went to Mt Shiveer sneakily. Then she threw snowballs a the wolves."THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING A JERK!" Anysias yelled.
    The wolves cried only a bit. Then they began being nice to her. After that, nobody made fun of Anyisias.
    THE END.
    Written by: Leaping Glamgirl, the red penguin.

  13. Me, Leaping Glamgirl the red penguin again. I just wanted to say, the story i posted was supposed to teach a lesson. When your mean, It leads to bad things. You should always be nice, have fun, be friends, and not have a problem. Anysias was nice after she threw the snowballs at the wolves because it made her feel a lot better. She felt like she was special. She felt like The wolves actually cared about her. And she knew that if another person is mean, she'll do the same thing like she did to the wolves. I hope you learned something from this.

  14. a long time ago there was a little wolf her name was blossom she was in shadow clan she was the leaders daughter she played araound in zios so much she loved it but she did not know that it was very old. she found out how ever when she became leader she went there beacuse she had so many questions of zios. a creaky stone fell it got her leg she escaped but it made a door from the phantom world to the animl world.she went in and went to see if they had a leader if they did then she would asked them where she was.she found out they had a king but he was so evil that everone the disobeyed him would be killed.when she got to the king the king asked who are you and what is your buesness here.I hsve come here to ask you where am i.the king said you are in the phantom world now begone be parished,wait. the phantom king looked at blossom with an angry look,i must know are you evil.The phantom said YES!I AM PLANNING TO RULE THE WORLD AND YOU WEAKLINGS!AND KNOW THAT YOU MADE A PORTAL I WILL!blossom thought wait is that a shadow sword i could use it to defeat him so she ran and got the sword the king zappedshe got hit and it hurt but she foughtshe had deafeted him and the other phantoms she saved the day but she was really hurt she wernt back to shadow clan they all looked shocked so they took extra care of her she healed fast.but the phantoms grew. maybe that is why the door is like that

  15. this story says: the tomb shalt not open
    it's miras grave!!! the mother of all was dying, when the owls found a way to save her essence, they mummified her body. it was against the great miras wishes, so once a year, on the day she died( it was halloween so day of the phantoms) she would rise to haunt those who preserved her. one smart monkey decied shed had enough so the day before she arose to huant them, they boarded up her tomb and built a statue instead

    if it ever opens you can go visit miras remains, but her good side can be visited in saraphia (i spelled it wrong didnt i?) by worshiping her spirit with the gift of dance.

    - darling rainywolf-

  16. Once a long time ago in Jamaa when Zios and Mira were still aline there was a wolf named Fauna. Fauna went exploring around and went to Lost Temple of Zios. there she decided to be really ignorant and slept beside the big statue of Zios. All the sudden phantoms come out of no where and zapped Fauna and the statue. Fauna knew she had to stop the phantoms so she lured them into a room and boarded it shut. The phantoms eventually died in there but their ghosts can still be seen in the Zios statue if you sleep. That solves a bunch of Zios mysteries so i hope 'yall like it! -Rosy Quietpaw

  17. Once a long time ago when Zios was still alive there was a wolf named Fauna. Fauna went exploring one day and decided to take a dare from her friend Medieval. So she slept beside the Zios statue in his temple. All of the sudden phantoms come out of no where and started zapping Fauna and the statue! Fauna knew she had to stop it so she lured the phantoms into a room and boarded the room up. The phantoms eventually died in there but their spirits can still be seen if you sleep near the Zios statue like Fauna did. This solves a bunch of Zios mysteries so i hope you guys like it!

  18. Once a long time ago when Zios was still alive there was a wolf named Fauna. Fauna went exploring one day and decided to take a dare from her friend Medieval. So she slept beside the Zios statue in his temple. All of the sudden phantoms come out of no where and started zapping Fauna and the statue! Fauna knew she had to stop it so she lured the phantoms into a room and boarded the room up. The phantoms eventually died in there but their spirits can still be seen if you sleep near the Zios statue like Fauna did. This solves a bunch of Zios mysteries so i hope you guys like it!

  19. Once a long time ago when Zios was still alive there was a wolf named Fauna. Fauna went exploring one day and decided to take a dare from her friend Medieval. So she slept beside the Zios statue in his temple. All of the sudden phantoms come out of no where and started zapping Fauna and the statue! Fauna knew she had to stop it so she lured the phantoms into a room and boarded the room up. The phantoms eventually died in there but their spirits can still be seen if you sleep near the Zios statue like Fauna did. This solves a bunch of Zios mysteries so i hope you guys like it!

  20. Once a long time ago when Zios was still alive there was a wolf named Fauna. Fauna went exploring one day and decided to take a dare from her friend Medieval. So she slept beside the Zios statue in his temple. All of the sudden phantoms come out of no where and started zapping Fauna and the statue! Fauna knew she had to stop it so she lured the phantoms into a room and boarded the room up. The phantoms eventually died in there but their spirits can still be seen if you sleep near the Zios statue like Fauna did. This solves a bunch of Zios mysteries so i hope you guys like it!

  21. Once a long time ago when Zios was still alive there was a wolf named Fauna. Fauna went exploring one day and decided to take a dare from her friend Medieval. So she slept beside the Zios statue in his temple. All of the sudden phantoms come out of no where and started zapping Fauna and the statue! Fauna knew she had to stop it so she lured the phantoms into a room and boarded the room up. The phantoms eventually died in there but their spirits can still be seen if you sleep near the Zios statue like Fauna did. This solves a bunch of Zios mysteries so i hope you guys like it!

  22. hi its me Rosy again sorry my story got posted like 5 times i didnt realize i had already posted it! Well bye jammers! P.S my user is mattie5253

  23. I think Its A Lair where Phantoms Live With A lot of Rares

  24. LOL! now we know that it's the door to the edventure base camp!

  25. guess what! the doors are open and it leads to the adventure base camp! portals to adventures with phantoms and the animal jam main characters! isn't this great!?

  26. My story_

    A long time ago on jamma, all animals lived there, untoucjed by discovery. A young fox was laying and she saw a tall figure. A human. The human took those animals. Leaving the artic wolf, fox, wolf, rabbits, and a few more commonly seen animals on aj. The animals all were in the township, what the animals call the gathering spot. All of the animal mals voted on animals to lead them they were troubled and scared. They chose what we know today as the alphas.the alphas went in search of the lost animals, only to failing nd them in a strange place in the temple of zois. They were asleep in cages. The alphas were. Absouluty baffeld! They didn't want the other animals to worry. The humans were approaching them. They slowy backed up, known ng the other animals depended on them, Greeley jumped forwards. Only to be thrown out side. With the other alphas. The humans atched the alphas run away. Then they patched up thr large room. The animals mals onside could survive, and they still do. When this door opens, these any mals will be wecomed. Some tropical. Some domestic, all very missed and lost in the world of cages and water. They freed themselves, still trapped in the nature room. When we release them, jamma will change. The animals wont stay, oh no. They will leave to a better place. But they wil. Soon br found. That is what is behind thay door a land of rare and common animals
    Luv barleyz
    A proud member on aj.

  27. I just felt like saying a story XP

  28. Its a story the real reason is cuz AJHQ didn't make graphics for it yet

  29. its actually the door to adventures im smartcub1234
