Nonmember Profile Glitch

Hey Jammers!
Today I was on AJ with Swurve, when I noticed he had a nonmember profile, even though he is a member! Look at this profile:
That's definitely a nonmember profile. This is a member profile:
See the key and special name-tag? That shows TheSlidoo is a member. And it was only a glitch on the profile, because when you look at his animal, he has a member name-tag:

Animal Jam has continued to have lots of glitches, which isn't good. They don't have the excuse that they are "a brand new game that is under construction" anymore. Well anyway, tell me about the glitches you discovered in Jamaa in the comments and Jam On!

~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author


  1. It's weird - it only showed as a non-member when I was a tiger, yet it showed my friend as a non-member only when he was a wolf.

  2. @Slidoo
    yes, I have those glitches as well... They are quite "bothersome" if you know what i mean. I agree Animal Jam should not have as many glitches, they aren't a new game anymore. However, I kind of disagree, I mean we all make errors. None of us our perfect. Animal Jam included. However, don't you notice, they always fix them when they get a chance to update... So, they are catching their flaws and fixing them. So, I under stand them on that part. Well, thanks once again for putting my story on yuor blog. Remember, it is only a rough draft, not the real thing. (that's why so many errors) Well, see you in Jamaa!
    ~Junior AJW Owner

  3. That's a common glitch, where someone's nametag will be looking like a non member's.

  4. @Junior ShyDog
    Slidoo didn't post that- I did. In the gaming world, one glitch is bad. One glitch can lead to another- and just one glitch can damage the game. I know they fix them, but some time they won't notice one, and it will be a serious problem, causing serious damage. Basically what I'm saying is AjHQ should proofread their scripts.
    ~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author

  5. Cool blog, Slidoo! I don't know how you're able to make it look like this and all. Can you look at my blog when you can? It's

  6. I've seen that glitch b4, it happened to my friend tech66!

  7. @Greatshot
    I posted that... :P Anyway he editted this site a lot in HTML. The NavBar was an HTML gadged that he added where the normal NavBar would be.
    ~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author

  8. You can do a glitch in canyons pathways. go close to the exit and then change animals. while your changing animals, click to rocks next to doorway! PEACE OUT PPL MY NAME IS VICTORY SPIRITCLAWS

  9. I saw a non member penguin and i think this is the reason im happyclonetroper

  10. There are lots of glitches out there. The coolest one is the one where you can be a water animal on land (or the other way around) I want to do these glitches but I can't :( never works with this computer.

  11. I saw a non member giraffe is that good I thought in was see ing things I don't really get it how she/he does it does he/she do it on her own or he/she does it on purpose



  12. Ugh, AJ is fun and all, but all these glitches make it slightly annoying to play

  13. some glitches ARE annoying, but some can be fun... like the epic wonders glitch where you can stand on the orb or on the water!

  14. Wisteriamoon has a beta nm account and the animals are wearing a top hat and non rare wings
