New Animal Sneak Peek: Macaroni Penguin?

Hi jammers!
In the new Jamaa Journal there is a puzzle to show you the new Animal Jam animal, coming soon! I unscrambled the picture and it turned out to look like a penguin:
Hmm.. This doesn't appear to be your average penguin! Take a look at the feathers sticking off the top of its head! Could this mean this is a Macaroni Penguin?
The macaroni penguin and the rockhopper penguin are the two most common penguins with feathers sticking off of their heads, but the rockhopper penguins' feathers stick out of the side, rather than off of the top! I think that this is promising evidence that the new Animal Jam pet is the macaroni penguin!



  1. Yay! I love penguins! And I did say I thought it was a bird in the "Jamaa Journal #52" post!
    ~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author

  2. Gecko: Do you know how to "delink" images on blogger? (Like, see when you click on the pics in this post, they don't link to a full screen pic?) If you do, can you do that in your future posts? I'll tell Swurve to do the same. If you don't know, tell me and I'll email you :P

    It makes it harder for copiers to steal the images!


  3. @Slidoo
    Gotcha. Yeah, I know how to do that. Also you know in AJ people call dens, den items, and clothe items all just items? I'm not mad about it or anything, it's just kind of awkward when people edit my posts...
    ~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author

    1. Actually, I just edited it again and changed it to New Den/Items - 19/01/2012. I did this because I think we'll have a LOT of posts about new items in the future when new items come out and I'd like viewers to be able to tell exactly when the items were released, so we don't have like 50 posts called "New Items".

  4. Yipee!
    I love all types of penguins, especially Rockhoppers! No, wait... If AJ had Rockhopper Penguins, it'll turn into Club Penguin! XD

  5. Hmm.. That is a pretty good suspicion about this being a Macaroni Penguin, but I doubt AJ would be so specific. It is easier to just send a Penguin our way then a most likely lesser known Macaroni Penguin. The tuft of hair on its head is probably just a defining style, like how Cheetahs have small hindlegs or something like that.

  6. I love penguins! Irl and in AJ! They're cute! >.<
